I'm testing laztoapk and wanted to open a URL
Code: [Select]
But when I run that on the Android simulator (AVD) it seems to be replacing (URL encoding) the two slashes with %2F instead (and ending up doing a google search with my URL). I've tried escaping the slashes in various ways without success and leaving out the "http://" part results in it doing nothing. Is Lazarus doing anything or where is the problem? I am having trouble following the code because it goes through a OpenURLWidgetsetImplementation variable and I got lost.I am having trouble following the code because it goes through a OpenURLWidgetsetImplementation variable and I got lost.If you use LCL custom drawn for android, the implementation is in lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/customdrawnobject_android.inc. Just see what it does and why your URL doesn't work.
thanks for that...
TCDWidgetSet.DoOpenURLWidgetsetImplementation just splits the URL in to the "protocol" section and the rest and then passes those strings on to Lava (by the looks of things). When I run it in the emulator it seems to turn that straight in to a google search query, rather than opening the actual URL. So I don't know where the problem is and I don't think I can work it out so I'll just never put a clickable link into an Android app if I ever write a proper one.
TCDWidgetSet.DoOpenURLWidgetsetImplementation just splits the URL in to the "protocol" section and the rest and then passes those strings on to Lava (by the looks of things). When I run it in the emulator it seems to turn that straight in to a google search query, rather than opening the actual URL. So I don't know where the problem is and I don't think I can work it out so I'll just never put a clickable link into an Android app if I ever write a proper one.