Wednesday, December 16, 2015

When Does CJ Pay?

Unread 6th Nov 2009, 03:06 PM  #1
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When Does CJ Pay?
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Today is November 6th.

Suppose I earn $500 by November 14th.

When will I get paid? All of my leads are legit so no worries about that.

Could someone explain it in terms of "Commisions lock on Xth, If they check out they are released on Xth, They will be wired into your bank account in X days."

Thanks everyone.

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Unread 6th Nov 2009, 03:48 PM  #2
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Re: When Does CJ Pay?
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Hi Wax here is how it works

Payments Occur

Usually on the 20th of each month, commission junction sends out payments to publishers ( you ) based on some criteria

1. You have made commission
2. Your commission amount is over the minimum payment amount

Payment Method and Minimum Payment Amount

You have 2 options for receiving money from Commission Junction

1. By Mail, receiving a check
2. Direct Deposit into your bank

If you opt to receive a check in the mail, you have to wait until your Current Balance has reached $100.

If you opt to receive a check by direct deposit into your bank, you have to wait until your Current Balance has reached $50

Obviously you can see the incentive to choose direct deposit.

Current Balance vs Total Balance

Now this is the part you don’t want to be confused about. When you first login to your Commission Junction Account at the very top right hand corner you will see it say

Balance $x.xx Payment Status

That amount is your Total Balance, Not Current Balance.

Remember Commission Junction sends out payment on the 20th based on your Current Balance not your Total balance.

You have 4 tabs at the top, go under Run Reports> Transaction Reports to view

So your total balance might be $500, but if your current balance is $90 and the 20th comes around. CJ won’t send out a check. If your total balance is $200 and your current balance is $40 and your receiving funds by direct deposit, CJ wont send the direct deposit as your current balance has not reached $50. See what I mean?

Understand Total Balance, Extended and Locked

Every time you make a commission through commission junction, it shows up in your total balance and under New

So let’s say you make $100 one month and $80 is from Joe Blow and the other $20 is from Tom thumb.

Ok, now your total balance will show $100 and so you might think, great im going to get funds sent to me by cj. But first go and check the extended and locked area.


If you see $80 under extended, it means the advertiser ( joe blow for example ) has decided to hold on to that commission for another 30 days to make sure there are no refunds or funny business going on. If all is well after that, it will be released into your Current Balance the following month. This happens a lot with Shoe Advertisers.


If you see the $20 under Locked, it means that when CJ went to take the funds and place it in your Current Balance, the Advertiser (tom thumb for example) did not have funds in their account, and obviously if they haven’t funded their account, CJ cant take funds and place them in your current balance even though you have made the commission. In this case, CJ continues to contact the advertiser until they do place funds in their account, usually you don’t have to wait long. In some cases though you will get advertisers who don’t fund and well they get deactivated as an advertiser. It does happen, not a lot but it does happen.

So… Always look under Current Balance each month to determine if you never received a check or deposit one month. It will let you know if you had reached the payout limit or not. Don’t just refer to the total balance alone as that is just a combined total of commission, and not specifically commission that has been released to you