Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Ketika pindah server kadang menemui  masalah.. 500 error ternyta mudah solusinya cuma rename direktori  plugin setelah itu, kita login dan kemudian dengan file manager kita ubah lagi direktori plugin seperti semula. setelah itu aktifkan plugin yang anda butuhkan
I attached a screenshot of the error I get. I have seen many different errors but never this one.
It simply says.. "The website encountered an error while retrieving localhost/... It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly."
I get this error back end and front end. My localhost works correctly though because my other localhost sites work fine.
This happened upon my installing my WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin. Not that I think it's directly related. I just don't know what happened and what to do and I would hate to start over on this localhost site.
I looked for invisible files throughout my installation but I don't find any.
Any idea of what I can do to get my site back?

     Jack Kitterhing 
    Hi there @Noahj
    I hope you are well today, this error is an internal server error, most likely caused by a plugin, can you change the name of the plugin directory within wp-content and then it should be accessible? :-) (Don't delete the plugins, just re-name the plugins directory).
    Thank you!
    Kind Regards
     Noahj Champion 
    How can I get prevent this error from happening?
    It keeps happening and is really irritating the hell out of me. I'm working on another localhost site and I keep getting this error. I'm doing nothing out of the norm I have done before and this error occurs not during some specific activation or action.
    When I rename the "plugins" folder I have to create another folder for Wordpress to read my plugins so I can activate them, which works fine. But soon after I get this error again. I got it this last time from using Wordpress import feature and the boom, site down.
     Jack Kitterhing 
    Hi there @Noahj
    I hope you are well today and thank you for the additional information, which plugin do you think it is? It might be worth testing with just that plugin installed, then you can see if it just that plugin or if it's a conflict with another plugin :-)
    Thank you!
    Kind Regards
     Noahj Champion 
    Hey @Jack, thanks for getting back with me.
    Actually this thing has me going a bit crazy (even now). I'm not sure what it is. I've never had this problem with my set up of plugins before. I've only added a couple new plugins, but I got rid of them and still encounter this error what seems at random.
    I've gotten the error from even Woocommerce itself when trying to access it's settings. I thought that narrowed it down, but after disabling Woocommerce it I got a full site crash with this error. I disable WPMU "Custom Ads" and that has seem to do the trick for now. But now I find I can't add menu items via my theme (which has never happened before). I have to activate TwentyTwelve theme, add my menu items, then reactivate my premium theme (Alterna - Codecanyon).
    I'm not sure what the problem is. It may be a conflict with WPMU Custom Ads, and another plugin. I got the same crash on another locahost, but different theme, so I wouldn't say it's the theme.
    Anyhow, I'm on a groove right now since things are not bugging out too crazy. I will take some time to figure this out after getting done much as I can on this site and post back.
    Thanks again @Jack!
     Jack Kitterhing 
    Hi there @Noahj
    I hope you are well today, wanted to check in with you and see where you was on this, if you had found anything out about the issue?
    In wp-config.php change wp debug from false to true, this will display errors on the front end etc of the website for any problems, and may be the best way to finding out what is happening here :)
    Thank you!
    Kind Regards
     Noahj Champion 
    @Jack! Hey, thanks for getting back at me. I actually reset my entire mac to default settings yesterday and have no more problems with these 500 errors.
    I'm not sure what the problem was, but it could have been my Mamp in general, because I am using the same plugins, same themes & same set up and I'm not having the problems I was having before.
    Thanks again for reaching out!
    You can close this post.
     Noahj Champion 
    @Jack Kitterhing, I ran into this problem again. I figured it out somewhat. It has to do with some incompatibility with Wordpress 3.5.2.
    Everything works fine until I upgrade. Right now I am just working with Wordpress 3.5.2. instead. It has to be a plugin conflict somewhere because I have almost the same set up on a live server with Wordpress 3.5.2 and have no problems. So later I will figure things out by comparing which plugins I have installed on the live server compared to the localhost. I think that will lead me in the right direction as to why this is happening.
    Just updating you, I appreciate your help.
    You can still keep this post closed. If I need help again I will post again, because it will be some time before I can get to this testing and see what's causing the 500 error.
    #Kudos to your day
     Jack Kitterhing 
    Hi there @Noahj
    I hope you are well today and thank you for the additional information.
    Interesting with it most likely being a plugin conflict with 3.5.2, are you running any older plugins, that haven't been updated in a while?
    Thank you!
    Kind Regards
     Noahj Champion 
    Hey, @Jack Kitterhing .... this is just killing me inside.
    I have been running into this problem again. I got rid of 3 plugins that were not noted to be compatible with Wordpress 3.4 or 3.5. I still am running into the 500 errors.
    I updated my phpMyAdmin in Mamp as I thought that might be the problem, but it's not.
    Can you make any suggestions based of of this URL I always get when I get the 500 error? I always get the following:
    Is it timing out or something? I know afterwards, the only way to get my site back is to rename the plugins folder and start over again, in which I run into the same thing again.
    It's really hard to pin point the where my problem is occurring as it occurs in many places. Right now I am creating a default setup, in which when I activated WPMU Dashboard I got the 500 error. So I deleted that, everything went back to normal, then I added in Woocommerce, then I get the same 500 error. I delete that, then back to normal and so on. I have been getting this on Wordpress 3.4. And since I now could see that wasn't the problem I upgraded to 3.5 and still get these 500 errors.
    I am no installing my setup from scratch on a live server. I haven't done it there yet, but I need to see if it's just my localhost for some reason.
     Noahj Champion 
    UPDATE: I just finished creating my entire default Wordpress setup. I created this to massively cut down on installations/setups of my wordpress installs for clients.
    I'm glad to say that I did everything, everything and no problems at all on a live server.
    So let's forget every previously. I am because all that was so time consuming trying to figure out. Do you have any idea of what could possibly be a local mamp/mac problem? I have never heard of one but that's all it seems to be. Oddly, I just reset my mac completely, but I did update to the latest Lion version before working with mamp again. So if that was part of the problem then would have been starting with the same problem not even knowing it.
    Thanks for a reply, when you can.
     Jack Kitterhing 
    Hi there @Noahj
    I hope you are well today and thanks for the additional information.
    As you was using MAMP, I'm thinking it's most likely a port problem of some kind between the install and your machine, though I couldn't guarantee that, it's quite common (500 errors) within the MAMP and other local host programs due to the way they work with the ports.
    Thank you!
    Kind Regards
     Jack Kitterhing 
    Hi there @Noahj
    Your welcome! Glad to hear it's all working well now :) Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
    Kind Regards