Friday, April 28, 2017

Semua Tentang Pembayaran Komisi di Lazada Affiliate Indonesia!

All About Lazada Affiliate Indonesia Payment System!


Masih memiliki banyak pertanyaan tentang sistem pembayaran untuk program Affiliate Lazada Indonesia?

Still have a lot of questions regarding the payment system for Lazada Affiliate Indonesia?

Simak informasi berikut!

Check out these FAQs!

1. Bagaimana saya tahu jika saya sudah bisa mendapatkan komisi hasil penjualan saya? -- How do I know if I'm eligible for payout?

Masuk ke akun HasOffers Anda, pilih Reports > Conversion Reports dan pilih tanggal yang Anda inginkan. Perlu diingat, yang akan kami bayarkan hanyalah approved payouts. Jika approved payout Anda sudah mencapai minimum IDR 300,000 atau USD 25, Anda akan menerima pembayaran setelah invoice diterbitkan. Jika Anda tidak mencapai payout minimum tersebut, jangan khawatir, payout Anda akan diakumulasi untuk pembayaran kedepannya hingga payout Anda mencapai jumlah minimum. Klik disini untuk melihat conversion report.

Log in to your HasOffers account, go to Reports > Conversion Reports and then adjust the covered dates that you would like to see. Remember that we will only pay the approved payouts. If your Payout reached IDR 300,000 or USD 25, then you should receive a payment once invoices are generated. If you didn't reach the minimum payout, don't worry, it will not be forfeited and will only carry over to the next months until you reach IDR 300,000 or USD 25. Click here to access your conversion report.

2. Apakah yang disebut "Pending Payout"? -- What is pending payout?

Pending payout adalah payout yang belum divalidasi oleh tim Lazada. Validasi penjualan untuk affiliate hanya dilakukan satu bulan sekali (kurang lebih pada tanggal 11 setiap bulannya). Oleh karena itu, akan ada banyak transaksi Anda yang masih berstatus "pending". Jadi jangan khawatir jika Anda melihat ada beberapa transaksi yang statusnya belum berubah menjadi "approved" walaupun barang sudah diterima oleh customer.

These are payouts for transactions which are yet to be validated by the Lazada team. Sales validation is only done once a month (usually during the 11th of each month) so most of your conversions will have a pending status. So don't worry if the payout is not yet approved even if you're sure that the customer has already received the order.

3. Bagaimana cara untuk menginput detail bank saya untuk memproses pembayaran? -- How do I set up my billing details?

Pilih menu My Account dan klik Billing untuk menginput atau merubah detail bank Anda. Klik disini untuk memulai.

Go to My Account and go to Billing to edit your billing information. Click here to set it up.

4. Bagaimana saya bisa mengetahui jika invoice saya sudah diterbitkan? -- How will I know if an invoice has been generated for me?

Anda bisa melihat invoice Anda di menu My Account > Invoices

You can check it under My Account > Invoices

5. Invoice saya sudah diterbitkan, kapan saya akan menerima pembayarannya? -- I already have an invoice, when am I getting paid?

Anda akan menerima pembayaran pada setiap akhir bulan.

You will receive the payment for your invoice at the end of each month

6. Mengapa jumlah yang saya terima di rekening bank saya berbeda dengan jumlah yang tertera pada invoice?
-- Why is it that the amount which I received is not equal to the amount indicated on my invoice?

Jika Anda berlokasi di Indonesia, pembayaran komisi Anda akan dipotong PPh 2.5% - 4% tergantung dari identitas Anda sebagai personal atau perusahaan dan kepemilikan NPWP.
JIka Anda berlokasi di luar Indonesia dan tidak memiliki form DGT, komisi Anda akan dipotong PPh sebesar 20%.

If you are based in Indonesia, your payout will need to be deducted by our local income tax of 2.5% - 4% depending on your business status as personal or company as well as whether or not you have a Tax Identification Number.
If you are based overseas and does not have a DGT form, your payout will be deducted by 20% of income tax.

7. Kurs mata uang apakah yang digunakan Lazada untuk pembayaran komisi? -- In which currency am I getting paid?

Jika Anda berlokasi di Indonesia, komisi Anda akan dibayarkan dengan mata uang Rupiah (IDR). Jika Anda berlokasi di luar Indonesia, komisi Anda akan dibayarkan dengan mata uang USD.

If you are based in Indonesia, then you will be receiving your payout in Rupiah (IDR). And for those who are based in oveaseas, the payout will be converted to USD.

Belum mencapai jumlah minimum komisi? Ayo promosikan Lazada lagi dan raih komisi lebih banyak!

Still haven't reached that minimum payout? Wait no more, start promoting Lazada and grab more commission!