Sunday, October 30, 2022

[SOLUSI] Gagal Update Linux Di "Update Manager" karena partisi boot penuh

 Cek di terminal :  df -h

akan tampil ini : 100% /boot

Saya pernah baca, lebih jangan memperbesar ukuran partisi boot ini.

Saya coba solusi yang ada di : Berhasil


Re: Help, my BOOT partition is full

Post by gm10 » Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:07 am

To increase the boot partition, you'd have to decrease another partition in size. Assuming that your other partition is an encrypted container (disk encryption should be the only reason for the installer to create a boot partition), that's not entirely trivial to do, see ... Partitions.

I'd say first try to make some room in the boot partition by removing old kernels. Either do that via Update Manager > View > Linux kernels or copy & paste the followin script into a terminal window and press Enter to run it and remove all but your current kernel:

Code: Select all

dpkg-query -Wf'${Version}\n' 'linux-image-[^gl]*'|sort -u|sed "/^$/d;s/\~[^~]*$//;s/\.[^.]*$//;/$(uname -r|sed 's/-generic\|-lowlatency//')/d;s/.*/linux-*-&*/"|tr '\n' ' '|xargs -r sudo apt-get remove --purge -y

If either of those fail, your boot partition is too full, only in that case run these commands:

Code: Select all

dpkg-query -W -f '${Version}\n' 'linux-image-[^gl]*'|sort -u|sed -e "/^$/d;s/\~[^~]*$//;s/\.[^.]*$//;/$(uname -r|sed s/-generic//)/d;s/.*/sudo rm -rfv \/boot\/*-&-*/"|source /dev/stdin

sudo apt-get install -f -y

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge -y

If the last line produces errors, do post them, otherwise you'll be all set then - just make sure to remove old kernels once in a while to prevent your boot partition from filling up again.

Meskipun muncul pesan error, saya teruskan sampai baris terakhir. dan berhasil.

Sayakembali update manager, dan melakukan update berhasil.


Ada solusi yang lebih baru, tetapi saya belum coba.  :