Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Cara install Laralink di hosting cyberpanel

a. karena kita mau pasang di domain utama dan bukan sub domain maka lakukan langkah ini.

How to use the public_html folder as the root of the application

  1. Delete the public_html folder 
    rm -r public_html
  2. Access by SSH (Terminal), to the server and when it is in the root folder of the files, where we have to have all our application and the public_html folder, You have to run this command to link the two folders: 
    ln -s ./public ./public_html
  3. Verify that it can be accessed from the url, and that's it!

b. upload file dan extract di direktori /public. pindah laralink/public .. isinya pindah ke /public.

untuk file" diluar /public diletakkan di /home/namadomain

c. dari cyber panel pencet "Rewrite Rules" kemudian save Rewrite Rules

d. lakukan langkah Ikuti langkah ini https://docs.getlaralink.com/installation

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